...is a cutting-edge acrobatic theatre collective, specializing in storytelling and the exploration of socio-environmental issues through stage craft.
Touring Creations
Artists Engaged
Live Audience Reached
The company engages with wider initiatives within the arts, technology and cultural sectors. This incorporates artistic mentoring, social humanitarian projects, professional education and cross-seeding between different sectors of the arts.
The collective was founded by James Kingsford Smith and Zoe Lohmann in 2018 and has engaged over 30 artists and arts workers over the past 4 years. The collective began its journey with the funding and creation of the acrobatic theatre show, IDIOM. This was a science fiction, literal narrative exploring our developing and future relationship with artificial intelligence. The show raised 70,000€, employed 22 artists over three seasons and engaged 2500 spectators in Berlin and Norwich.
In 2019, the collective took the direction of Circus for Sustainability and began collaborating with activists, politicians & scientists. In November 2019, they delivered an acrobatic speech for the International Transformation Conference for Sustainability in Hamburg. The conference was facilitated by MdB Rüdiger Kruse who later employed one of our members at the Bundestag to research and consult with him on sustainable practices.
In 2020, during the pandemic, the collective took the opportunity to connect with more partners such as the International Association of Sustainability Studies in Potsdam, Deutsches Meeresstiftung in Hamburg, Global Solutions in Berlin and the Nirgendwo cultural/ecological center. When restrictions allowed, we rehearsed and performed the solo show; YOU which premiered digitally and physically in 2021 thanks to the support from the NEUSTART KULTUR #TAKE THAT funding program. YOU directly commented on climate change and the need for unanimous public action. The project attracted further partners in theatres, schools, conferences and ecological centers and continues to engage these new audiences.