Yun Huang: Director & Co-writer of IDIOM.
Yun was invited to the company to direct and co-write the last development of the show IDIOM, in 2019, as well as to perform the role of Idiom. What she brings to the show are her rich experience in drama and storytelling, with a focus on the emotional, dramatic and creative potential of movement and the human body.
After her BA in Physical Theater (CH), Yun has been working with a wide range of international artists and theatre companies, such as: Volker Hesse (D), Clipa Theatre (Israel), TeatroX, Teatro Paravento (CH) and many more.
Yun is a jack-of-all-trades, a bridge-builder between artistic disciplines, a poet at heart. Continuously exploring any means that will help to tell a story, and to inquire and reveal this curious and marvelous condition of being human.